Streaming Services Change Entertainment and Media Industry

It’s no longer a secret that internet technology, from social media, and streaming shows, to live streaming, has succeeded in changing the world, no matter where we live.

People from all corners of the world no longer need to wait long to exchange messages, can watch selected shows anywhere and anytime, regardless of which country they live in, and even call anywhere in the world without any additional fees.

One of the technologies that will be eroded by the world of the internet is live television broadcasts. The presence of live streaming in presenting news and information network time makes people move to the online world permanently.

In this article, we will discuss streaming services can changes entertainment and media industry, for those of you who are curious, make sure to read this article to the end.

What is Streaming?

Streaming is a technology for sending data, both video and audio in compressed form over the internet network. The data is displayed on the player application in real-time.

You can watch videos or music over and over again without having to download them, so they don’t take up too much memory on your device. Usually the video or audio will be created first and then uploaded to the application or streaming site. However, usually several applications and sites also provide features to download these videos so they can be enjoyed offline.

Stream Types

Streaming is divided into two types, namely, live streaming and prerecord streaming. We will discuss each of these types one by one below.

  • Live Streaming

Live streaming is a live broadcast activity, meaning that the content owner performs the activity of recording and displaying his content on the media simultaneously.

Every second the viewer can see what the content owner is doing. That way the audience can also interact directly, so it can help increase social media engagement.

  • Prerecord Streaming

Prerecord streaming is a broadcast that is done by creating content in advance.

Content owners create content in the form of video or audio and then save it for uploading to social media. After that, users can start watching it

Difference between Streaming and Live Streaming

Because there are users who are still confused about the difference between the two, therefore we will discuss what streaming is and how it differs from live streaming.

  • Stream

Watching movies, videos, or listening to music is now even easier. The trick is to watch streaming through certain applications.

So, streaming is the activity of watching videos or listening to audio that has been uploaded to the internet without the need to download it and that content can be watched repeatedly.

The uploaded videos usually go through the editing process first, only then are they uploaded to the streaming application.

  • Live Streaming

The meaning of streaming and live streaming is the same, both of them enjoy broadcasts or videos from an application. If streaming can be watched repeatedly, while live streaming is the opposite.

You can only see it during the broadcast. Some examples of live streaming are concerts, music, or other events.

Usually, live streaming is more attractive to users because they can interact right away with people who are living. Besides that, because it was broadcast right then and there, the video was without edits.

Uses of Streaming Services

Of course, streaming services are currently in great demand by many groups, both as content providers and as content connoisseur. For those of you who are curious, here are some point that streaming services can changes entertainment and media industry:

  • Media

It didn’t take long for live-streaming technology to become the mainstay of most news sites.

Currently, there is no longer a need for a studio or antenna, the media can broadcast news anywhere using live streaming.

Viewers also don’t need to run to the television to watch the news they want. One can even watch the news live which is on the toilet or even drive a car (although it’s dangerous).

This culture also makes the world currently receive information faster anytime and anywhere.

  • Entertainment

Apart from reporting, of course, entertainment is one of the products that benefit from this technology. The popularity of traditional television has declined significantly with streaming.

Various services such as Netflix, HBO, Disney, have really changed the way people watch movies or series of choice.

No need to download illegally or buy pirated CDs anymore, anyone can watch movies or favorite popular series, even those that have been running for a long time.

Several streaming services also produce their own films and series with the quality and popularity of cinema films. This made streaming services even more popular and a mainstream viewing culture.

  • Education

Education is also greatly helped by the existence of streaming services. This is very helpful, especially when the world is being hit by Covid-19. There is no need to attend classes anymore, anyone can now study and participate in classes even from their bedroom.

Streaming also gives students and teachers the opportunity ‘meet’ even if they are on the other side of the world.

  • Business

Of course business is something that benefits here. If usually someone needs a place, taxes, location, etc. to think about if they want to open a business store, now someone can open an online shopping site account, or even social media to open a business.

All that remains is how to learn how to build an online business, and be careful in setting prices and managing money.


Just like any other new technology, changes trends on businesses have controversy and have various negative impacts.

However, people cannot deny that there are many inventions that are currently very helpful in everyday life, we can’t even imagine life before there were streaming services, or as simple as there were no smartphones.

Streaming technology that has changed the world is expected to be a tool to achieve positive things such as spreading goodness, information that can help others, and convenience in carrying out daily activities.


That’s some of the information we can convey regarding streaming services changes entertainment and media industry, I hope the information above can add to your knowledge.