How To Monetize Your Tiktok in 2023

As we all know, so many people use Tiktok as their social media platform or even download Tiktok video on pc. Monetization is one of the things that creators or influencers do on Tiktok. To monetize Tiktok, there are quite a lot of options that you can choose on this platform.

By monetizing, you can earn money from the Tiktok platform. This is a promising business field in this era.

What is Monetization?

Monetization means a way of converting content to money. Not just in Tiktok, monetization can also be done on other platforms such as YouTube, X/ Twitter, Instagram, and so on. Monetization can be very beneficial for creators, they can channel what they like into the form of content, and then get money from the content they upload.

But you need to have a lot of followers so that you can successfully monetize on Tiktok. Therefore, you need to make some efforts to get a lot of followers.

How To Start Monetizing on Tiktok

Tiktok provides various requirements that you must know and fulfill to start monetizing Tiktok. Once you’ve made sure each requirement is met, you can monetize with the following steps:

  • The first step is you need to open the Tiktok platform or application on your gadget.
  • Select Creator Tools, to find this menu, you can click on Profile, and choose the icon with three lines, you can find this icon in the top right corner.
  • Scroll your smartphone screen, and choose how to monetize according to what you need. Before monetizing, make sure every requirement must be met.

Types of Monetization on Tiktok

Tiktok provides several opportunities to earn money or monetize. First of all, you need to know about the Creator Marketplace. This Tiktok feature can help content creators promote so that they have the opportunity to be recognized by many people, get endorsements, and other purposes.

To use the creator feature, you must change your account on Tiktok to a business account or creator account. In addition, you must also have 1,000 followers (minimum). Next, here are some types of monetization that you can find on Tiktok.

– Affiliate Marketing

Doing affiliate marketing on Tiktok is not much different from other platforms (especially social media). We need to promote and explain partner products to viewers. When your followers buy partner products using the link you provide or your cart, you can earn a commission.

For you to get product video content, you need to download Tiktok video on pc or smartphone and then upload the product video.

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– Tiktok Shop

You may not want to just do marketing but want to sell your real product. You can use the features on Tiktok Shop, this feature can make you not only buy but also sell products. To buy products online, we don’t have to use a marketplace, Tiktok can be a place to make buying and selling transactions.

To sell on Tiktok Shop, you need to have a product to sell, the product you will sell must meet the requirements of Tiktok Shop. You also need to complete various information about your store and products.

– Live Streaming

This is a very popular feature on Tiktok, this feature can make you broadcast your activities live, and Tiktok users can watch the live broadcast. A live stream on Tiktok can be seen on the FYP page under certain conditions such as according to preferences, there are many viewers, and many likes.

Monetizing with the live-streaming method means getting gifts. Gifts are the main source of income when users are live streaming. Viewers can give gifts to the host and there are many types of gifts available. The price or value of each gift also varies from the smallest to the largest.

– Collaboration

You can collaborate with other influencers or with a brand.

> Influencer collaboration

Influencer collaborations can take the form of live streaming or video content. This collaboration benefits each party, you will get a wider segmentation of followers, from other influencers’ followers and your own. Likewise, other participating influencers can also get these benefits.

There will be a high possibility for you and your partner to gain a lot of followers.

> Brand Collaboration

Brand collaboration means endorsement, you can do this collaboration on Tiktok and many other platforms. Monetization through brand collaboration is done by reviewing, appreciating, promoting, and recommending certain brands on your account. You can get higher prices if you have more followers.

Tiktok Account Building Tips

Maintain and improve the strength of your Tiktok account so that you can successfully monetize on the platform. Do your branding well so that you can be different from other creators. You can find out what can represent your account well.

A unique account will be more easily liked by Tiktok users. Not only does it have to be unique, you need to know what niche you are most interested in so that it can help you do branding. Focus on that niche and upload content consistently. For example, your niche is tips & tricks, you can make videos about download Tiktok video on PC, and so on.